Ohh poo! This really helps me feel great! Yet another Audrey yard sale there is no hope of me going to.
On top of that I have a shitty cold which made me stay in bed like all day today. I feel so lathargic, I feel like I'm in some kind of haze. It's shitty. The bus yesterday also didn't help matters, it made me feel 10x worse and left me with a throbbing headache. I'm so over winter. Bring on good weather and no colds please.
At the moment I'm bumming around in cargos and my Evanescence band tee with extremely greasy looking hair. Looking like this certainly doesn't help me feel better either, and the fact that we have fundraiser chocolates that I've been munching on doesn't help in the slightest. I need to eat a lot healthier and loose my fucking retarded belly fat. I need sushi! Not chocolate :P.
On the plus side though I watched Sex and The City today while I was in bed. That always seems to make me at least a bit more cheerier. Another thing that has been making me smile a lot recently is this photo:
It's hilarious, don't you recon? It's gotta be a favorite of mine.
Shamefully recently I have been addicted to this game: http://missbimbo.com
It's funny and extremely girly and really quite terrible at the same time, but ever since I signed myself up when I was bored I haven't been able to stop.
Another great game is: http://www.forumwarz.com
I've been playing it with my gorgeous boyfriend Nathaniel. It's crazy! I'm an emo kid called "Sheray-Suicide", a kinda half emo, half scene inspired name. In the game you can choose from several different "internet classes" including: Cam Whore, Emo Kid, Hacker, Noob and Troll. You spam forums and earn your way to the top. it's great!
Ohh! Just got gifts from Nan and Mum for no particular reason. :P
From mum I got black tights which I have been needing for ages and from Nan I got a denim vest which I was gonna buy myself. YAY! I'm cheered up a bit now, since Mum left without me today, I wanted to go see Nan but I missed out. Oh Well hopefully next week.
Anyway, that's about all from me now.
Love and Butter Menthol's.
Audrey Kitching is the coolest person in the world. She has to be. She's a friend of Batman!